Active Schools Week 2018

Active Schools will take place from Monday 21st – Thursday 24th May.

Every day the children will take part in our 1km walking loop around the school. Along the route there will be active stations where the children will do jumping jacks, frog leaps, squats, burpees, etc.

Gymnastics classes will be held throughout the week – take a look at the photos of Ms Johnson’s 4th class participating on Tuesday

We are tracking our activities with  notice boards

Each day during active schools week we will have lots of visitors to do special activities with each of the classes.

  • Monday: Leinster Hockey Development Officer will do hockey with 4th and 6th class.
  • Tuesday: A children’s yoga teacher will teach Junior Infants, Senior Infants and the Special Class yoga.

Ms McNeilis’ Junior Infants learning Yoga

  • Wednesday: 3rd class will learn all about tag rugby and will get a chance to play a friendly game with their classmates.
  • Thursday: 5th class are going to Clane Lawn Tennis Club to experience playing tennis. 1st and 2nd class will get the chance to play Spike Ball in the sports hall.

During active schools week the children will wear their tracksuits to school everyday so that they are ready to take part in all of the fun and games. Their teachers are also encouraged to give active homework instead of written homework too


Physical Activity Pupil Survey – we want to hear from you: Take the Survey!